2011 News
Mad March Hares

Irish Hare, Donegal
Four legged and Two Wheeled!
Believe it or not my other photographic interest is motorcycles - off road motorcycles! I enjoy the switch from the peace and quiet of wildlife photography to the noise and danger of motocross racing. It's amazing the number of people who share both interests.
Each year the first big race is called the "March Hare" and it happened last Saturday close to Donamana. As I travelled towards Limavady the weather did not look promising - mist and drizzle. A quick change of plan and detour to Donegal for a few hours until the weather improved was called for.
In the fields close to Inch Lake I noticed four Irish Hares, two of them almost white. As I waited, using the car as a hide, they got closer and closer until I was able to get a few reasonable images - given the poor light.
I have seen more white Irish hares in past two winters than I can ever remember - I assume it must be a response to the hard winters we have had. Something I'll need to research.
Speaking afterwards to a local gentleman he gave me the advice that they are still white because there is more snow to come - you've been warned!
By the way I still enjoy the four legged type more than the two wheeled.
Each year the first big race is called the "March Hare" and it happened last Saturday close to Donamana. As I travelled towards Limavady the weather did not look promising - mist and drizzle. A quick change of plan and detour to Donegal for a few hours until the weather improved was called for.
In the fields close to Inch Lake I noticed four Irish Hares, two of them almost white. As I waited, using the car as a hide, they got closer and closer until I was able to get a few reasonable images - given the poor light.
I have seen more white Irish hares in past two winters than I can ever remember - I assume it must be a response to the hard winters we have had. Something I'll need to research.
Speaking afterwards to a local gentleman he gave me the advice that they are still white because there is more snow to come - you've been warned!
By the way I still enjoy the four legged type more than the two wheeled.