2010 News
New Rare Flora Gallery

Wood Cranesbill - Geranium sylvaticum
New Plant Gallery Added
I am beginning to run low in orchid species to photograph at the moment so I have turned my attention to looking for and photographing some of the more scarce flora that North Antrim has to offer.
As I get images I will add them to a new gallery within the Irish Flora gallery.
One of the first to be added was the Wood Cranes-bill Geranium sylvaticum. In Northern Ireladn this species is resticted to the Glenarm area. It can most easly be seen from the roadside at Feystown Nature Reserve http://www.ulsterwildlifetrust.org/nature+reserves/Feystown
As I get images I will add them to a new gallery within the Irish Flora gallery.
One of the first to be added was the Wood Cranes-bill Geranium sylvaticum. In Northern Ireladn this species is resticted to the Glenarm area. It can most easly be seen from the roadside at Feystown Nature Reserve http://www.ulsterwildlifetrust.org/nature+reserves/Feystown